Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Top Graphic Design Books - some for a penny!

I have 2 other posts that are of interest if you are a logo designer or graphic designer, or if you are simply interested in some very cool coffee table books:
I'd act quick on those 6 books if you are interested in any of them. There is a very limited quantity from the used booksellers. Some are classics!


Top Fonts for Graphic Designers

Don't miss a couple of new articles over at BonFX.com about fonts that I just published.
If you are looking for a logo designer or other graphic designer for any other service please contact me over at BonFX.com. You can also reach Mary at marybonneville.com.


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

BonFX relaunches with freelance graphic design blog focus

I just relaunched BonFX at http://www.bonfx.com with a focus on freelance graphic design. I won't be using this venerable old blogger area anymore. It's been a fun ride, but I get to leave the kiddie park and go on the big coaster now.

The new site features a custom child theme I developed using the WordPress theme framework called Theme Hybrid. Hybrid provides a "skeleton" child theme which is essentially raw XHTML output, and a blank CSS filled with all the class names but no values. This has been extremely helpful, to understate it. Check out Theme Hybrid if you have a chance. You'll be glad you did.

I'm focusing the content on graphic design topics, which will include everything from objective resources to subjective evaluations and everything in between. Please stop by and subscribe to the RSS feed and leave some comments! The new site is still get spit polished as of this writing, but it's mostly done. Have a look!